Ready to launch your business on social media but not sure how to announce it? Think of Grand Openings storefronts have to celebrate doors being open. We used to tweak Mystery Host parties until now! The Launch Party theme from Queen B & the script I created will take the guesswork out of announcing your new exciting adventures to your customers. I recommend having a few things in place before your big launch. Read below to get prepared.
Your VIP Group is your business Facebook group. I recommend creating a business Facebook page to serve as your "digital business card"; however, the party will occur in the group. A VIP group is vital to fostering the like, know and trust factor. Before anyone buys from you, they have to know you exist. After they know you exist, they want to know more about who they are buying from. Finally, before they hand over their hard-earned money, they need to be confident in your ability to deliver what they want. A VIP group allows you to work through all three stages with prospective customers.
Right, where this party occurs is also where you will begin dropping your weekly products and interaction posts. Again, focus on 80% engagement/serving and 20% selling. This is a recommendation, so observe how your group responds and tweak accordingly. Hosting your Launch party in your VIP group is a great way to kick off your business adventure with fun and extraordinary deals!
You don't have to spend hours trying to mix and max the various templates Canva provides for you. Brittany Jones at Queen B Graphics & Design has created them for you. This set is her first collection that is fully customizable. This means you can add your business colors and fonts. Drop in your photos for more personalization as well.
Not sure of your business colors? Create a blank 500x500 project. Upload your logo and drop it in place. Hit the colors panel and select the eyedropper. Hover over your colors to grab the six-character Hex code. Take note because now, no matter what application you use, you will be sure to match your colors perfectly.
From the home screen, select "brand kit." Add your color palette, logos, and brand fonts. This makes customizing your launch party graphics easier by hitting the "style" feature.
Once you have the party decorations (graphics), you don't have to plan the party alone. That is where I come in! I have taken the Launch party graphics and turned them into a 3-day party for your VIP group. Before you get overwhelmed, I have included a checklist with which pictures to edit and how to edit them. Download them from Canva and schedule them using my Google Sheet Planner. If you are a CinchShare user, you have access to a CinchShare folder fully loaded and ready for you to swap in your graphics.
🛒 Shop the Party Planner here!
*BONUS! It includes an Anniversary party script, which you will use to celebrate your year in business.
This is your first interaction with the majority of your future customers. We want to show up prepared, professional and in good spirits. Don't forget they are learning your business alongside of you. Use this party as a chance to name them "founding members." Keep this in mind if you are going to throw an Anniversary party and you can honor your Founding Members at that time.
Don't forget about Tee Parties! This launch party is a variation of a Tee Party minus the host. At the end of my script, I have a post encouraging party-goers to sign up to host their own Tee Party. This is important because once one person hosts a party, they seem to catch on like wildfire after that with word of mouth!
🤓 If you are ready to start Tee Parties, read more.
You can jump into a routine of selling and engaging with your newfound group members. It is how many of us got going years ago; however, I did not have this party option at my fingertips back then. I would have thrown a launch party if I knew it would be a thing.
Take your time putting together your business plan and celebrate your next chapter with a launch party.